Av. Països Catalans 26 E-43007 Tarragona, Spain

“Software-Based Memory Erasure with relaxed isolation requirements”

  • septiembre 5, 2024 / 11:00
  • Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Departament d'Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques. Lab. 231
  • Seminarios
“Software-Based Memory Erasure with relaxed isolation requirements”

“Software-Based Memory Erasure with relaxed isolation requirements”

A cargo del Dr. Reynaldo Gil Pons (University of Luxembourg).

A Proof of Secure Erasure (PoSE) is a communication protocol where a verifier seeks evidence that a prover has erased its memory within the time frame of the protocol execution.

Designers of PoSE protocols have long been aware that, if a prover can outsource the computation of the memory erasure proof to another device, then their protocols are trivially defeated.

As a result, most software-based PoSE protocols in the literature assume that provers are isolated during the protocol execution, that is, provers cannot receive help from a network adversary.

Our main contribution is to show that this assumption is not necessary. We introduce formal models for PoSE protocols playing against provers aided by external conspirators and develop three PoSE protocols that we prove secure in this context.

We reduce the requirement of isolation to the more realistic requirement that the communication with the external conspirator is relatively slow.

Software-based protocols with such relaxed isolation assumptions are especially pertinent for low-end devices, where it is too costly to deploy sophisticated protection methods.

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